Yom Ha’atzmaut at the Simon Wiesenthal Center

May 9, 2016

Yom Ha'aztmaut at the Simon Wiesenthal Center
As Jews everywhere celebrate Yom Ha’aztmaut, Israel’s Independence Day, the Simon Wiesenthal Center's ongoing work reflects our connection and support of the Jewish State each and every day.

In preparation for the 70th anniversary of Israel’s creation as well as the 50th anniversary of Jerusalem’s re-unification, SWC's two-time Academy Award®-winning film division, Moriah Films is currently in production on two new documentaries: one on the life of Israel’s founding Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, who informed the world that after 2,000 years, a Jewish State had been declared, and the other, the official documentary on Israel’s former President Shimon Peres, currently filming in Tel Aviv (below).



Construction of the Museum of Tolerance Jerusalem (MOTJ) continues to take shape in the heart of Jerusalem and is scheduled to open in late 2017. Major work on the site has been completed and the MOTJ is now a visible presence in the Jerusalem skyline (below).

People, Book, Land: The 3,500 Year Relationship of the Jewish People with the Holy Land, the Center’s landmark exhibition detailing the Jewish people’s connection to Israel, co-sponsored by UNESCO, has been displayed on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, (below), at the Vatican in Italy, in Israel’s Knesset and at UN headquarters in New York with plans to continue to be shown around the world.

This Yom Ha'atzmaut, celebrate Israel's Independence Day by supporting the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the work it does for Israel and the Jewish people.


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