#TerminateHate - Buy Arnold Schwarzenegger's t-shirt and the Simon Wiesenthal Center receives 100% of the proceeds

August 17, 2017

Earlier this week, in response last Saturday’s violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger posted a note on Facebook, calling out the “white nationalists”, Klansmen, and other racist extremists, saying, “My message to them [white supremacists] is simple: you will not win. Our voices are louder and stronger.”

He also announced a $100,000 contribution to the Simon Wiesenthal Center, an international NGO that has been fighting hate, bigotry, and anti-Semitism for over 40 years. Schwarzenegger has been a good friend and staunch supporter of the Center and its Museum of Tolerance since 1983.

On Thursday, Schwarzenegger announced another campaign to help support the work of the Wiesenthal Center by selling one-of-a-kind “Terminate Hate” t-shirts, with 100% of the proceeds going to the Center and its programs.

The Terminate Hate t-shirt can be purchased through the end of the month by going to: https://represent.com/terminatehate

For more information, please contact the Center's Communications Department, 310-553-9036, join the Center on Facebook, www.facebook.com/simonwiesenthalcenter, or follow @simonwiesenthal for news updates sent direct to your Twitter feed.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center is one of the largest international Jewish human rights organizations with over 400,000 member families in the United States. It is an NGO at international agencies including the United Nations, UNESCO, the OSCE, the OAS, the Council of Europe and the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino).

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