SWC Urges Triple Frontier Zone To Cooperate With NY District Attorney

April 11, 2006

SWC Urges Triple Frontier Zone’s Cooperation With NY District Attorney

The Simon Wiesenthal Center urged the Foreign Affairs Ministers of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay to cooperate with the investigation carried out by New York District Attorney, Robert Morgenthau, which is looking into reports of three billion dollars of illicit activities in the Triple Frontier (Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay) involving the financing of Al Qaeda, Hamas and Hizbollah over the last two years.

District Attorney Morgenthau ordered the closure of a Bank of America account earlier this week, which allegedly was used to funnel funds from Uruguay to the Middle East via New York.

For years the Simon Wiesenthal Center has been urging the governments in the region about terrorist-related activities including fundraising, in the so-called Triple Frontier zone (where Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay borders intersect). Center officials have visited the region in the past and have also participated in a Presidential Summit held on the Argentinean side of the Triple Frontier in 2004, to promote stronger controls in the area.

“We call on MERCOSUR (South American Common Market) Governments to cooperate with this investigation. This operation seems to affect all four members of the South American Common Market,” said Shimon Samuels (Director for International Relations of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Sergio Widder, Latin American Representative).

“International cooperation is essential in order to confront transnational terrorism. In this spirit, we urge Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay to immediately take measures to investigate the allegations of terrorism financing activities in the area and to eradicate any link to such activities in the region,” Samuels and Widder concluded.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center is one of the largest international Jewish human rights organizations with over 400,000 member families in the United States.  It is an NGO at international agencies including the United Nations, UNESCO, the OSCE, the OAS, and the Council of Europe.

For further information, please contact Sergio Widder in Buenos Aires at + 5411 4313-4743 or + 54911 4425-1306.




El Centro Simon Wiesenthal solicitó a los ministros de relaciones exteriores de Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay que sus respectivos gobiernos investiguen las posibles actividades ilícitas dentro de sus territorios que pudieran estar orientadas al financiamiento del terrorismo internacional.

El pedido está motivado por la directiva emitida por el Fiscal de Distrito de Manhattan, Robert Morgenthau, ordenando el congelamiento de una cuenta bancaria en Nueva York a través de la cual se habrían girado 3.000 millones de dólares provenientes de la Triple Frontera, los cuales tendrían como beneficiarios finales a grupos como Al Qaeda, Hamas y Hezbollah.

"Urgimos a los gobiernos del MERCOSUR a que cooperen con esta investigación. La operación que se ha denunciado afecta a los cuatro países miembros de la región. Es necesario que cada país lleve adelante una investigación, que se coordinen las pesquisas a través del MERCOSUR y que se pueda compartir la información con la fiscalía en Manhattan. La cooperación internacional es
crucial para confrontar al terrorismo transnacional y para erradicar todo vestigio de actividad terrorista en el Cono Sur", señalaron Shimon Samuels (Director de Relaciones Internacionales del Centro Simon Wiesenthal) y Sergio Widder (Representante para América Latina).

Para mayor información, comunicarse con Sergio Widder al 4313-4743 o bien (15) 4425-1306. Si llama desde fuera de Argentina, + 5411 4313-4743 ó + 54911 4425-1306.

El Centro Simon Wiesenthal es una organización judía internacional de derechos humanos con más de 400.000 miembros en todo el mundo. Tiene status de ONG ante la ONU, la UNESCO, la OEA, la OSCE y el Consejo de Europa.

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